Presbytery of the Midwest

Session Records: Annual Review

To: Clerk of Session & Pastors

From: Presbytery Council – Session Record Review Committee

Re: Annual Review of Session Records

Date: January 2, 2024

Attached is the Annual Review Form for submission of session minutes. The process is
similar to last year and is as follows :

  1. Each church should submit their Session Minutes and Session Minute Review Form no later than February 28, 2024.
    The record review period is January 1, 2023 – December 31, 2023.
  2. The Annual Review Form and corresponding minutes should be submitted for review
    electronically, by emailing them to the Session Records Committee:
  3. As a reminder, you no longer need to send the original last page of your record book.
    After review, you will receive notification that your records have been reviewed along
    with relevant comments and, if necessary, any actions required to bring them into
    compliance; you may place this notice in your records. We believe that you should have
    received your review sheet for 2022, but if not, please email
  4. Also, you no longer need to return the Minute Review Form from the prior year.

Thank you for your patience and grace with this annual review process. We believe that we
now have a more efficient process in place for these annual reviews.

If you have comments or suggestions for how we can improve this process, please contact RE Rita Poth (513)-515-5251 or

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Uniting Midwest Churches to the Global Movement of the EPC
40000 Six Mile Rd, Northville, MI 48168